Saturday, May 22, 2010

DJ Sticky Fresh

I'm home alone playing air drums. Yes, I rock hard and this is what I do while you're away, darling, in case you wondered. After a hard day of writing wedding magazine articles I like to unwind with an air drums session, and my kit is way kitted out with overhead crash cymbals a la Neil Peart and a double bass drum - I know this because both feet are going in opposite double-time syncopation while my fists are flying overhead keeping time.

In addition to wailing on my kick-ass drum kit I'm singing along (a la Phil Collins), probably way off key, but I can't corroborate this on account of the fact that I have headphones in and can't hear myself, and Jim is away camping so he can't hear me either. This inspiring song? Sweet Disposition by The Temper Trap, I dare you to not play air drums when listening to this song. Or air bass, if that's your thing.

(Authentically and parenthetically, last night I played the real piano. I made up a song about spruce sap smelling really nice in the summer. I called it "Sticky Fresh.")

Actually, I'm making mixes for the 4-5 people who have recently asked me for mixes in the last week. For different reasons they ask for new music - to commute by, to study by, to put the baby to sleep by, to work out to, et cetera. I always say "of course," and I always forget right afterward. But not this time, I'm so on it. I need a good DJ name. Oh oh! - DJ Sticky Fresh.

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