Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Snappy Month of May

Here are some recent photos from this month - sunlight, bunny washing, flowers, a yawning cat, the lake, and the first fire I built this year.

This is probably 10:30pm in May - the sun setting just behind our house, not quite dark and not quite light. Something about the quality of the light reminds me of movies from the 1970's.

Apparently bunnies hate to be bathed just like cats, but not Fatty - give him a carrot and he's all down for getting soaked.

Jim on the boat in Whittier, about to pull up shrimp pots.
He brought home 5 pounds!

I like when the sunlight falls on glass and flowers and wood,
it has a very cathedral-esque feeling about it.

Taking the first party barge ride of the season -
hard to believe the lake was frozen maybe just 2 weeks ago.

Max in the middle of a big yawn.

Lake coming to life. I went out last weekend to spend Mother's Day and do some wedding recon. I couldn't believe all the green already, it's going to look so beautiful when all is bloomed and leafed and built with steps! I can't wait.

I think it's okay to look at the sun when it's behind a cloud.
But I might need to re-up my glasses prescription.

Mom and Dad's house as seen from the lake - what a gorgeous May day.

The party barge about to embark on the 2010 maiden voyage.

My first fire of the year! I got kind of excited about it despite the warmer temps and the bright sunlight, it was nevertheless fun to build it up and watch it/smell it burn.

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