Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Spice, Teeth & Flora

I just remembered that I said I post pics of the projects that we made last week, and I actually have a bunch of new pics from this last week, and here with - spice, teeth and flora...

Front of fajita spice escort cards - we mixed the spices ourselves, bagged and sealed them with the Food Saver and then stapled cards to the top, with instructions for cooking on back... So wedding guests find their name and then find their seat, then take these little guys home for some spicy cooking later on.

My new front teeth! The dentist turned out to be a-ok - and now i have not snaggly front teeth, and the dentist even stained them to match. Quel awesome.

Ferns in the backyard.

Below the front window in the front of the house - Queen Anne's Lace, some grass of some kind, and some blue poppies coming in .

The raspberry bushes on the side of the house - Jim tied them each up with string so they wouldn't flop over, and I think it looks like some overlarge nature-y musical instrument, or an art installation - "Noose Berries" perhaps?

Bleeding hearts which I think look far too spry to merit such a catastrophic name.

This GIANT rhubarb root ball Jim wrestled out of the ground last night - it wasn't growing, the other rhubarbs stole its light and bullied so, it failed to thrive (I replanted ferns in its previous dirt spot today). I was shocked by the size of its roots and made Jim wait, wait so I could take a picture before he threw it away.

The one tulip that came up this year, which was one more than last year I think. Jim picked it and put it in a vase for me to enjoy while I was busy writing last week.

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