Thursday, May 06, 2010

Spring, Magic and Zombies

Word up to spring! These lengthening days and mucho sunlight are meshing quite nicely with all the activities I am currently in the throes of doing. While imagining a DIY wedding AND a brand new radio show throughout the winter was a bouyant daydream, now that we're closing in on the big dates I feel amped and ready for all I'm about to dive into. Well - I'm already waist-deep, I suppose... And because every bride/radio producer needs smooth gams, it was my good fortune today to stumble upon:

(How was that for an excellent segue between totally unrelated topics?)

Mais oui, I bought my first "As Seen on TV" product today, except I got it from Target. The Smooth Away hair removal system is pure magic - well, very fine sandpaper masquerading as magic. But it totally worked - I rubbed in circular motions over my fairly hairy legs and while it took more than the 6 circular buffs the instructions dictated, it certainly removed all the hair, left them smooth and the weirdest thing is I have no idea where the hair went. It wasn't on the sandpaper-pad-thingy, it wasn't on the floor, ergo: magic. (Ah, I see whilst pulling a photo of this wonder product that some women are not believers, maybe my more hirsute sisters didn't have as reliable results?)

Perhaps the awesomest thing about this product, though, is that the box says "Discovered in Europe!" like it's been hiding out in the Black Forest for years, until some cosmetics exec/hiker came upon it, exclaiming: "Ach der lieber! American women will never shave the old fashioned way again!" And because American women will buy anything that says "Europe" or "Natural" or "Slim in 7 Days" on the label, it's probably selling like hotcakes would sell these days if only they came packaged with similar claims.

But, yay for Target - I found giant ice tubs for beer/wine in candy-colored metal and for less than the boring old galvanized gray ones at Home Depot. I think if this zombie apocalypse that Jim says is only a matter of time ever happens then I'd like to take my shotgun and my cats straight to Target and camp out there for the duration. Does a zombie apocalypse have a duration? Or is it just tough shit once they rise up like the Cylons on Battlestar Galactica constantly dogging what remains of the human race?

I believe that's enough geekery for the evening. Happy lovely colorful shiny spring! So say we all.

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