Thursday, May 20, 2010

A Lot of Math and Measuring

What a busy day. Started with an interview for an article I'm writing, then meeting Shana to set up banking for our new shiny business which took forfreakingever - apparently it was training day at the bank. After nearly an hour of THREE people learning as they go about establishing a business account, we leave, only to learn later that they've screwed it all up and linked business accounts with personal accounts. But my trusty business partner sorted it all out late in the day - WMF! as we always say, or "Women Moving Forward!"

Then it was off to some more interviewing and some more wedding planning, and that pretty much sums up my life at the moment - writing articles, doing radio show business and planning my mega-DIY-super-fabulous wedding. It's going to be so much fun, such a great party. We've chosen delicious wines and microbrews by the keg, selected music, rented things, planned entertainments, begged borrowed and not had to steal, really special guests have RSVP'ed and we have a great menu planned. I worked out the actual menu last night - how it will look printed - and sent it off to my family, including Grandma Mary to correct my Spanish since it's a Mexican menu in both English and Spanish. She called me twice today to discuss before I could call her back, and when I did she says, "Your Spanish is so good! But there are a few things..." The main thing is that I titled it "El Menu" and she says, "No "el" - it's just "menu" - you know, like they say in America." Then I said "maiz" instead of "elote" for the roasted Mexican street corn on the cob, and she says she wasn't even sure but she called Cuca from the across the street (no longer across the street she lives on, but from years ago in Pico Rivera) and Cuca says it's elote. Thank goodness for old Mexican women, they know everything, I really think they do and I trust them implicitly.

My mom surprised me with a day of wedding stuff - she was in town and called me last minute for a late lunch and to shop. After lunch and margaritas we went all over to see about details and look for things and yammer on about this and that still needed to be found for the wedding, and it was such a sweet relief for me to share some of this detail-y headmess with someone else. We had a lot of fun and maybe made a bit of scene in Forever 21 trying on hats and fascinators and headpieces and taking our own photos amidst the teenage clientele and teenage employees. Like what are they going to do - tell the maturest clients in the store to stop messing around? I dare them.

We got home, divvied up the shopping and then Jim and I got to work on more wedding madness - and it does feel like madness. So many details. Like the detail of how my kitchen smells like cumin, garlic and chili powder right now because we're making these escort cards that are bags of fajita seasoning for take home favors which required that we make 7 cups of the stuff, two tablespoons per bag which required A LOT of math and measuring, and also sneezing as a byproduct. But it smells nice, too. We made most of it with what we had in the pantry - I just need to get a couple more spices tomorrow in preparation for Shena and Rebecca coming over tomorrow night to put it all together with me.

Ay, I have so much to do tomorrow - interviewing more and going to the dentist. I effing hate the dentist with all my teeth. But he's filling in some bad ones and making some front chipped ones look even and lovely, so I'm going to pop some Aleve and suck it up for oral hygiene's sake. Then my girlyfriends are coming over to do wedding projects with me tomorrow eve - I'll post pics tomorrow or the next day of those. We're crafty like that, and even considered "super crafty" after a box of wine. Yeah, a Bota Box, delicious and recyclable.

I'm really busy to the max, and also really happy with it all - working to pay for wedding, and wedding plans to have a great week of celebration with all my favorite people, and I just love that maybe all that self-sufficient stubbornness as a wee baby girl paid off and also predicted this time of DIY fabulous celebrations and entrepreneurial media ventures of my adulthood. I can do it myself! If I learned anything from Grandma, mom, my good friends, my aunts, and my Jim it's that a bunch of people all working together, hip to hip in the kitchen, at the extended dining table, hunched over computers can pull off any kind of good thing! Viva!

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