Saturday, July 03, 2010

Hope Bears Don't Like Aromatics

Chopping onions and garlic to sauté with steaks for dinner. Every five
minutes I say something about bears to Jim, he really loves it when it
I go on and on about if bears like this or if they like that or if
they're our friends or if they're the infidels of forest creatures,
always waiting to attack us and grab our genoa salami. I got mace
though, and Jim said to pretend we had kids with us because that would
make me brave as all get out. :) He knows just how to manage my psyche.

By the way, we are camping just 10 miles before Dawson City at the
Klondike River (dry here, boo) Yukon government campground. Free
firewood and copious mosquitos, is their motto.

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