Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Starts and Sunsets

Tonight Jim and I went to dinner downtown to celebrate the first radio show I produced which Shana and I recorded today. It won't air for another 3 weeks on the big NPR affiliate station, but it was live on the college station and there I was on the controls sliding volumes and turning mics off and on and counting down to back on the air, switching to station ID and playing phone calls, and I was so nervous I'd screw something up. It was all pretty exciting and it all went perfectly. For this all to be happening after a year of working to get to this point is pretty fantastic, and I can't wait for August 31 when we have the big debut on KSKA 91.1 at 2pm. :)

After dinner we walked out of the restaurant around 10 pm and it was a beautiful summer night. It's been WEEKS of nonstop rain and low gray skies, that is to say - no sun for seemingly ever - instead days upon days of suffocating cloud cover and low light and this acute awareness that your skin is not sun warmed and you are not squinting your eyes for the bright light. Instead, this year it has set a rainfall record, and for me, it's been wedding and radio plans so I've gotten to do little outdoor enjoyment which seems moot anyway when the weather has been so ick.

Anyway tonight, seeing that sky - soft and blue and just a few wispy pink clouds way up high, not low or encroaching as per the last few weeks, it feels like someone took the top off Anchorage to let it breathe a little bit, let it dry out. We walked a few blocks to the coast, to Resolution Park, where there is a statue of Captain Cook in his brass pantaloons pointing at something in the distance, and in this instance it was the beautiful sunset:

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