Wednesday, April 06, 2011

The Sensuary

Working in the radio biz has provided to me this new and great skill of mixmastering audio. I didn't come awesome at editing, but I do it now because I have to be on the air and not suck and so my learning curve is pretty steep as a result. The green spikes on the computer screen are a visual representing sound - a sensual metonymy. I can see what I hear. Like how I spike off the screen when I clear my throat to speak or when I laugh.

I started this post thinking I'd write about my five most favorite albums of all time because I just downloaded yet another version of "The Boxer" by The National, which has to be my #1 album at this point. Under the "Plays" column in iTunes "Fake Empire" reigns at 140 plays. That's a lot. But I'm not going to write about my top five albums of all time because I'm instead led astray working on mixing mashups for goodest friends who can use a big long 30 minute dance mix based on our 15 year + friendshipsssss and this current Genius-mix-based-on-PJ-Harvey that just brought up a haunting song called (of all things) "Sarah" ( a fishing boat she thought she saw the shadow of god... Sarrrrraaaahhh.) Ay dios mio.

I'm recalling some dude I met in San Francisco once upon a late night time who made music into colors. At a party at his Bernal Heights apartment he of the giant Mac computer monitor circa 1999 atop a desk at standing height - he demonstrated his work - something neat representing music with moving color. Sound shown. (You see what I'm playing?) We had a long conversation about Piet Mondrian. I think about his work once in awhile, wondering if it's what I hear about now, sometimes, doing neat things with color and music, blurring the senses.

Referring to all things sensual I want to call them all "the sensuary" to encompass all five - but it's not an actual word, isitthen? Shouldn't it be though. One bumping into, crossing over into seeinghearing touchingtasting feelinghearing tastingseeing. Feel it - where are you now, what part feels it, a combination of the senses that move to love, move to something forward, whatever, as long as it's good.

"Sensuary" - hmmm, it sounds like this great store where you can shop for whatever it is you lack in the emotional department. I'd patronize a store like that - when I just can't get excited about something. Yeah, get me a colored t-shirt they sell there - if I'm wearing red - baby is feeling bad today, just like lightning, shoot right through you... buy me a drink but have no comments. That kinda thing.

1 comment:

Woodruffs said...

When my cousin was in the looney bin, he wore 2 different shirts. When he was feeling mean and angry, he'd wear his Decepticon shirt. When he was feeling calm and happy, he'd wear Optimous Prime. I don't know if the staff of the hospital ever caught on, but we knew he'd be getting out soon when we saw nothing but the latter for several days in a row... He might shop at "Sensory" too!