Saturday, May 21, 2011

Dinner, Drinks & a Movie (With Myself)

(I dropped off Jim dear late Tuesday night at the airport to go be with his ailing grandfather in Kansas. (He's doing better!))

Day 1: Popcorn, 1/2 bottle Malbec, 1 episode of the Scottish half-quirk, half-soap "Monarch of the Glen"

Day 2: Pistachios, the other 1/2 of the Malbec, the exquisite and haunting "Black Swan"

Day 3: A giant salad, the opera auction 1999 Syrah that I was saving for the right time (felt right this Friday night), and the that's-right!-Susan-Sarandon-is-totally-a-fierce-dirtbag-shooting-Texas-avoiding-backwards-driving-badass "Thelma and Louise"

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