Monday, June 27, 2011


It feels as though summer started just a week ago - when Jim returned from an extended stay in Kansas where he was able to spend time with his grandfather during the last weeks of his life. I'm really glad he got to be a support to his family through that. Me, well I worked a lot and wrote a little, and partially remodeled a bathroom until I ran out of time - at least the toilet works for now.

Next, the fabulous Ms. Radiah Williams came to visit for a few days last week - trip number three for her! I am so impressed by my awesome friends who keep on coming up to the Last Frontier to see me over and over. We did a little fishing and smoked the trout we caught, laughed a lot, visited Girdwood and ate dinner atop the mountain there. I miss my good friends year-round, but especially after they've been here for a few glorious days and I'm reminded of how great it is to be wholly known.

Jim and I celebrated our anniversary (1 year since the wedding, but 1 year, 9 months from the marriage) last weekend with a really relaxing trip to the Kenai Peninsula. Escape for Two B and B is a terrific place to unwind, and the fishing charter with Kenai Outfitters was totally pro. We'll be back for both.

Tomorrow I leave for Reno to pack up my sister and her fam, do some cleaning and sorting, and then she and I and baby Julia fly up to Alaska on the 4th of July. I am so excited to see baby girl tomorrow! Okay, and Jamie and Matt, too... ;)

And after that? Just more summer to come...

Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Throwaway Parts

So, those salmon heads and frames we kept made for some bonus deliciousness. Jim cleaned the heads (removed gills and eyes), then we boiled into stock with aromatics (removed the cheeks and ate those (top pic) delicious!)

The frames we boiled in salted water, then picked off the meat which yielded about 1-2 pounds of meat. Mixed in chopped parsley, scallions, 3 egg whites, a yolk, maybe 3TB of flour, salt, pepper and creamed garlic/salt. Formed into patties and sauteed in veg oil. We topped with a homemade basil-garlic-chili aioli, tomato and basil. Tasted terrific.

The stock is cooling now - it'll freeze and get used in pad Thai, paella, chowder. And to think - it was all going to get thrown in the trash. I feel very resourceful right now.

Bring Me the Head of Chinook Montoya


Saturday, June 25, 2011

Done and Delicious

Only Salt & Pepper

Isn't that just beautiful?

How Much Do We Want For Dinner?

Back At The Ranch

Here is where I sit right now, on this water dock at a superb bed and breakfast in Soldotna. We have our own cabin, with a ginormous tub, plus a private lake! Later, I'll be in this same spot eating freshly grilled king salmon. I know it sounds like I'm bragging, and that's because I'm super pleased with myself at the moment.

Not Even A Scale!

Filleting A Monster

Lee is the quickest filleter I ever saw. And guess what else? We took ALL the guts, carcasses and heads to make soup! Fit for a king, yessiree, my fish gut soup will be, said the cockney kitchen waif.

Whee! Three Kings

Driftboats Out

The very simple, but well-executed, method for taking each boat from the river is to hook a cable to the bow, then have the *last* guy hook the other end to his trailer to haul your boat up a ramp made entirely of mud. It's absurd, but effective.

Driftboat on the Kasilof

Another charter winding up the day, drifting through the tidewater slough towards the ocean where all river boats pull out.

One Fish, Two Fish, Tiny Fish, Huge Fish

Fishing today on the Kasilof River with awesome guide, Lee, of Kenai Outfitters. Our boat of 4 caught 3 king salmon - I didn't get one, but Jim's was the biggest. Of course. ;)

Thursday, June 02, 2011

Help Matt Sheehy Finish His New Album

Go here: