Monday, June 27, 2011


It feels as though summer started just a week ago - when Jim returned from an extended stay in Kansas where he was able to spend time with his grandfather during the last weeks of his life. I'm really glad he got to be a support to his family through that. Me, well I worked a lot and wrote a little, and partially remodeled a bathroom until I ran out of time - at least the toilet works for now.

Next, the fabulous Ms. Radiah Williams came to visit for a few days last week - trip number three for her! I am so impressed by my awesome friends who keep on coming up to the Last Frontier to see me over and over. We did a little fishing and smoked the trout we caught, laughed a lot, visited Girdwood and ate dinner atop the mountain there. I miss my good friends year-round, but especially after they've been here for a few glorious days and I'm reminded of how great it is to be wholly known.

Jim and I celebrated our anniversary (1 year since the wedding, but 1 year, 9 months from the marriage) last weekend with a really relaxing trip to the Kenai Peninsula. Escape for Two B and B is a terrific place to unwind, and the fishing charter with Kenai Outfitters was totally pro. We'll be back for both.

Tomorrow I leave for Reno to pack up my sister and her fam, do some cleaning and sorting, and then she and I and baby Julia fly up to Alaska on the 4th of July. I am so excited to see baby girl tomorrow! Okay, and Jamie and Matt, too... ;)

And after that? Just more summer to come...

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