Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Throwaway Parts

So, those salmon heads and frames we kept made for some bonus deliciousness. Jim cleaned the heads (removed gills and eyes), then we boiled into stock with aromatics (removed the cheeks and ate those (top pic) delicious!)

The frames we boiled in salted water, then picked off the meat which yielded about 1-2 pounds of meat. Mixed in chopped parsley, scallions, 3 egg whites, a yolk, maybe 3TB of flour, salt, pepper and creamed garlic/salt. Formed into patties and sauteed in veg oil. We topped with a homemade basil-garlic-chili aioli, tomato and basil. Tasted terrific.

The stock is cooling now - it'll freeze and get used in pad Thai, paella, chowder. And to think - it was all going to get thrown in the trash. I feel very resourceful right now.

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