Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Many Hats of Annabelle Lee

Sarah makes these. I think there's a children's book/Etsy store collaboration in here somewhere...

Monday, July 18, 2011

Cat in the window

He's trying really hard to straddle the table and the window sill so he can be in the sun, and close to me. Silly kitty.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Our fishing spot

That white dot is Jim fishing - I mean, catching. :)

Eklutna: Lakeside trail

Near mile 6-ish. Unfortunately I forgot my real camera and the iPhone cam didn't capture the sharp turquoise of the lake water.

Eklutna: Through the woods

Eklutna: BOBs are awesome

Ray loaned us his 2 B.O.B. trailers (back of bike, I think...) and while I felt a little unsteady at first, within 1/2 mile I was cruising. So much better to haul gear this way rather than on the back like we've done before.

Fish and toast for dinner

Two Dollys and a Rainbow

Fishing was insane! We caught and released probably 20 at a minimum, and kept these 3 guys. It was Jim's last minute idea to bring poles, and I'm glad we did because the fishing was great! We did get dumped on, though, and had to ride 5 miles back to camp wet to the core.

Kicked back

Beautiful camping

Drying by the campfire

Eklutna Lake

Taken this morning at about mile 7.5; the far end looking back. We camped out near mile 10 Friday and Saturday nights.