Saturday, August 06, 2011

My New Specs

My sister says I should be solving crimes in a van with Scooby, whilst my hubs asks if I joined the cast of Mad Men; my girlfriends think they're cute, mom says I look like her smart writer/producer daughter!, and me? They're like 2 giant crystal clear windows, so's I dig em too, in a nerdy sorta way.

Wednesday, August 03, 2011

The Sweet Sweet (Modern) Sounds of the 70's

They have a sunny glint to them, those sounds of the 70's, happy echoing reverberating against deep walls of sound. There is a new version happening now that we kids who are in our 30's hazily recall three-four decades later than we first heard as babies way then, now appreciating something familiar yet unheard, so good to our ears, and we return to the dirt I guess, naked as we came.

These are the songs I am loving right now...

So now I am older than my mother and father/ when they had their daughter/ so now what does that say about me?
"Montezuma" by Fleet Foxes

I've grown up some/ Different kind of fighter/ And when the darkness come let it inside you/ Your darkness is shining/ My darkness is shining/ Have faith in myself/ Truth
This video is TERRIBLE, hear with eyes closed. Yet, it's still literary rap at its finest. And I have this syncopated gem on repeat and most especially for the trumpet solo at 2:16.
"Truth" By Alexander

Sadness is a blessing/ Sadness is a pearl/ Sadness is my boyfriend/ Oh, sadness I'm your girl
The beginning of this video is so uncomfortable that the covered-mouth laugh pays off big time. (What unhappy companion hasn't dreamt of making a pretty scene in the 4star restaurant, being asked to sit down by the maître d', then joined by your object of desire at the very end?) Plus, Stellan Skarsgård is in this 25-year old singer's video. Nuff said.
"Sadness is a Blessing" by Lykke Li

Got it all til the revolution comes... and we're apparently in Alaska here (but it's probably Canada, the mountains aren't tall enough) which is a fabulous place to be, I think, when the revolution does come. I know, because I live here, yo. This white boy band (like the two above) they've certainly got the beards, though. Good start that.
"Got it All" by Portugal. The Man.