Friday, November 18, 2011

Frog Spirit!

I very much like this new song Raconte - Moi Une Histoire by M83 from their new (double!) album Hurry Up We're Dreaming.

A little child's voice tells a story about a (psychedelic for sure) frog, "I heard about this frog, it's a very tiny frog!" that, once touched, changes your vision and "your mommy suddenly becomes your daddy and everything looks like a giant cupcake!" we all become "the biggest group of friends the world has ever seen; swimming, laughing... it'd be great, right?"

Without a motherflippin' doubt, kid.

Call me a dirty idealist, but this is what I always thunk about growing all up and having lotsa forever bestest friends, swimming, laughing, singing friends. I guess that's my heaven version to find out when I die - a frog pond full of amphibious people happy to see moi.

And it makes sense that it would be: some years ago a for real shaman said my spirit animal was a frog. I used to dream I was one, very small, and I hop up peoples' legs and into their hip pockets, walk around with them for awhile hearing what they hear, see their world. Then I'd hop away and onto another to experience their world for a little. Very curious, even nosy, this world of the frog.

And from there the song builds epically (ooh-aah voices come in) and it just goes up and up and up.

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