Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Ono Means Delicious

We were the only two visitors on the Ono organic farm tour this afternoon. The farm is located near O'heo, about 30 minutes past Hana.

I'd been looking forward to "eating fruit right off the trees" as advertised, but with the heavy rains making much mud there was no strolling through the orchards. Instead we sampled a dozen fruits on the farmer-owner's lanai, many of which I've never heard like soursop, chocolate guava, sapote (two kinds!), brown sugar fruit, vi fruit and star apple. We even tried the banned-on-public-transport, Limburger-cheese-of-fruits durian!

After the fruit came fresh cacao, roasted cacao nibs, "chocolate" made of coconut oil, cacao and cane sugar and dried whole apple bananas the size of a finger. Plus, coffee grown on site to wash it all down. All in all, a delicious lunch even if we didn't get to pluck it off the trees.

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