Thursday, June 07, 2012

My First Tri: Here's Mud in Yer Eye!

It's always something worth noting when you make a circle, ending up back somewhere you once couldn't wait to leave only to find that it really suits you after all. For me, that's being a jock. I know, crazy - years later she realizes that being clever, artsy and jocky are not all mutually exclusive avenues to pursue in life.

I can't even suss out where I picked up the bug again. It was a combination of stuff - like needing an energy outlet, summer weather, wanting a goal, requiring a challenge. There was also this Vogue article about how triathlon training made for the best bodies, how this ex-smoker who'd once lost her way in life now had ALL her shit together on her bike, running, swimming and a great body to boot. I was like, exactly yes yes yes please. I barely realized it but I was so ready, contemplating kickboxing, fitness bootcamp, something anything, and I think that's what did it. So I decided to train for a sprint-distance triathlon and I started training two weeks ago. Made sense - I used to swim competitively, I can ride hard on a bike and well, I suck ass at running, so there's my truest challenge (besides swimming in open water, eek). Actually, it's all a challenge - yet - I've just lost 40 pounds and it's the right time to exert myself, whip this body into fierce action, and there is nothing like competing against a clock to focus one's exercise routine.

So, I'm sitting here writing this with a super sore body and a tired, but satisfied mind, while also making new music mixes for these 5x a week workouts (2-3 of which are doubles, as in running + biking, swimming + biking, running + swimming) and I TOTALLY LOVE IT!!!! It's so awesome to feel all the muscles flexing, burning, thinking that I might die, but then to find in myself to just go....a little...bit...further. The only downside is that I feel super selfish putting all this energy into my training regimen, and I feel like I'm bleeding money getting all the gear for this endeavor - speedo, cap, goggles, socks, running shorts, wicking shirts, super-amazing-outrageously-expensive-Victorian-corseted sports bra (by Enell- revolutionary!!!), bike computer, new running shoes, backpack for toting gear to gym/pool, gym membership, watch with timer and chrono, cycling tune up, new brake pads, freaking Gatorade. I need a sponsor!

On a training ride yesterday I was this nutty cyclist on the side of the road in full rain gear (because it was pouring), soaking wet and covered in mud, just grinning from ear to ear and singing along to my iPod, nodding at my fellow muddy crazy cyclists. I totally wanted to pump my fist in the air when I got that huge endorphin rush at about 9 miles. Here's me just finished my 11 mile ride:

I look effing crazy. Mud in both my eyes, running mascara, but man did I feel flush with endorphins. Today I swam hard and walked fast (couldn't handle the running, so I walked it out) and was so exhausted that I thought I might barf and almost did. 

It's something to really get into. Something healthy to get addicted to. I'm so motivated and I'm so ready to compete again. My running/walking, swimming, cycling workouts have been the highlight of my days (which is simpler now that it's this slightly lighter work schedule in summer) and because it's 3 sports, it's not boring at all. So that I have a clear goal to work toward, I signed up for a triathlon on August 4, the Aukeman in Juneau, and put myself on a rigorous 10-week training course that will prepare me for the 750 meter open water swim, 19K bike ride and 5K run. My goal is to finish in 1 hour 45 minutes. Or, to just finish period. That'll make me happy.

I realize that, in a way, I'm returning to the athletic roots of my teenage years, to Juneau, when I weighed 150 pounds and could swim a 100 yards of the pool in 1 minute. "It's a continuum," says Jim. Meaning, I think, that you pick up 5, 10, 17 years later and just go from there, wherever you are, whatever you weigh, however old you may be. So, on this continuum, I'm 8 weeks to go, all sore and ripped up, but feeling good and excited to get to race day! I hear people get addicted to these races and I'm just hoping my addictive personality will pick up on this thing - could be fun. But we'll start with one and go from there. 

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