Thursday, August 16, 2012

Let's Go Camping (Finally)!

Tomorrow we'll load up bike trailers and backpacks and cycle out for our first camping trip of the summer. It's mid-August, practically Autumn, and we're just now getting out to camp for the weekend.

So what happened? Work, work, work. And, training for triathlons. Not a lot of time off. Then this thing where he took weekends that I couldn't get away for and vice versa; family and friend parties, entertaining guests, traveling... Next the leaves started to drop onto the front lawn and the kids we know are buying school supplies, oh, and it's getting dark at 10pm. It could be out last chance - gotta go gotta go!

I'm looking forward to the time together, outside, no cell phone connection (at least there wasn't last time we were in this spot). Riding the 10 miles out to the spot (with gear) is going to be a cinch for me this time after all the mileage I've put in over the summer (over 300 miles since June 1!) and that will be such a difference from the first time I did this trip and couldn't sit down (or stop complaining) for two days. (That was a lot of parentheticals.)

Also - last couple of times we went to this spot? Bear sightings. However, the upside of camping this late in the season is that those bears have a lot of food to eat right now - berries, fish - so I don't think they'll be after our chicken pitas or box of wine.

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