Monday, August 20, 2012

Magical Eklutna Weekend

Sunset over Lake Eklutna

I'd write something more about this extraordinary camping trip this past weekend but I've just washed my face and then applied vitamin E oil under my eyes, getting a major portion IN my right eye, so now I can't really see awesomely to type so, in this case, I will let the photos speak for themselves (thanks to Matt Bobo's real-camera-that-doesn't-also-take-phone-calls!).

P.S. What's not seen here that we saw there: Northern Lights dancing over the mountains like green streaky barely-there phantoms at 2am; a young black bear on the mountain bike trail on Saturday on our way to a glacier; a little hawk perched on a log just outside our campsite; the awesome tarp shelter we erected to keep the rain at bay.

Cowboy Matt!

Jim & me on the trail, pulling little back of bike trailers called BOBs with all our gear (there was a double rainbow visible for a couple miles of the ride - just one stripe seen here)

Next day, riding past our campsite to the end of the trail to hike up to the glacier. Here, paused on a bridge spanning the Eklutna River.

Me and Matt looking super sexy at the end of a little hike (dig that teeny bottle of Jack Daniels in the corner!)

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