Thursday, May 02, 2013

In my perfect world

Some days are better than others. On those rainy, frustrating, low energy, trying patience days when the baby won't stop fussing and parrot won't shut the hell up, your clothes are dirty and/or don't fit anyway, you can't finish your errands because of yet more vomit and poop and crying after days of it and you feel like your nerves are about to completely snap, the only thing to do is go home, give that goddamn bird lots of food to shut his freaking facehole for 5 minutes, drink some nice wine and make written lists while the baby (please god) naps for hopefully more than 30 minutes imagining a perfect world with pink frosting on top. In that world there is:
  • Clean, fashionable clothes that always fit
  • Baby's nap is perfectly timed with my shower (plus shaving)
  • A pretty little assortment of apps for dinner prepared by someone else
  • A clean, fashionable, well-lit home where everything is in its place and nothing is broken
  • Beautiful and interesting architecture to inspire while out and about
  • City dwellers who smile and dress like adults and brush their hair
  •  Glasses are always somewhere easy to find
  • No parrots anywhere or talking animals of any sort
  • A cat who wipes his feet and doesn't spread dirt all over the house/furniture now that the snow is melting
  • Speaking of - no snow in May
  • A nanny two afternoons a week and I don't feel guilty at all for having some help even though I'm "not working" that much
  • A Japanese soaking tub, a lap pool, a big flat yard and enormous garden
  • Better solutions to my every day issues than "Don't eat anything" and "Don't say how you really feel"
  • A best friend who lives nearby
  • My baby is exactly the same (but maybe throws up much less on me)
  • I have infinite patience and kindness and goodness that shines out of me
  • I can have a bad day once in a while and it's not the most dire, end-of-the world thing
  • Balanced hormones, solid energy level, feeling normal again
  • Consistently charged laptop and phone
  • Did I say - no parrots? 
 Now, that's out of the way. Let's do gratitude for what I do have in my right-now world. 
  • A beautiful baby boy who lights up my life
  • A sweet husband who does his best to be supportive
  • A solid house that has a lot of potential
  • I'm alive and kicking
  • There's money for everything we need and even some for things we want
  • A nice ride
  • Plans for future vacations/getaways
  • A couple of sweet friends to talk to who get it
    • One of them lives across the country and we plan to meet up soon for a fun weekend
    • The other lives right across town 
  • Two plants I thought were goners came back to life
  • Flowers in the house - that always makes me happy
  • A long term plan for my life (I think) (I hope)

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